'Originating in Japan in the \'70s, Lolita fashion was a reaction to the contemporary trend of showcasing a woman\'s body through formfitting clothing. For women who didn\'t want to show off their bodies, this was a way to set their own rules about getting dressed, engaging with their clothing, and what was considered a \"good\" outfit. Small communities grew throughout Tokyo, an industry sprouted up to accommodate demand, and pretty soon, Lolita fashion became renowned beyond the streets of Harajuku. So, when we found a group of young women in Amsterdam who get together to dress up in Lolita gear, we weren\'t all that surprised. What did throw us for a loop, though, was how empowering they found it, as more than an activity but an identity and a community. A style subculture created by women, to dress women, and to be admired by women, it\'s one of very few that remove men from the equation entirely. Our host Asha Leo visits a group of women in The Netherlands who\'ve come across a newfound confidence in a style that\'s traveled halfway around the world to find them. For more global fashion facts, go to: http://bit.ly/facts-on-fashion Watch the full episode here: http://bit.ly/SOT-Amsterdam Subscribe to the Refinery29 channel: http://bit.ly/subscribe-to-r29 For the latest trends and videos, visit: http://refinery29.com Like Refinery29 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/refinery29 Follow Refinery29 on Twitter: http://twitter.com/refinery29 Heart Refinery29 on Instagram: http://instagram.com/refinery29'
Tags: fashion , clothing , costumes , ideas , makeover , outfit ideas , comic con , amsterdam , refinery29 , refinery 29 , lolita fashion , sweet lolita , cosplay makeup , Cosplay Tutorial , lolita style , best cosplay , Asha Leo , Netherlands (Country) , amsterdam fashion week , Cosplay anime , Gothic Lolita , cosplay haul , amsterdam lolita , netherlands lolita , dutch lolitas , netherlands lolitas , amsterdam fashion , amsterdam street style , style out there , lolitas , cosplay 2017
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